Opening to Channel
5 - 7 November 2021
Come those who have awakened to their spirit path
Those who feel a connection with other life forms in the universe
Those who wish love and light to flow through them as channels
For the awakening of mankind on this sweet Earth we inhabit
What is your motivation for opening to channel? Search your heart now. If it is to be led forward on your path, moving progressively into peace, balance, self- empowerment, joy, abundance - and to gain clarity on how you may be of service to the world - then this course is for you!
In this comprehensive workshop Solara An-Ra teaches all the fundamental principles of connecting with your Higher Self & guides. You will learn how the channelling process works & why you would want to practise it; about different types of guides and their purpose; the role of the angels in connecting you with higher dimensional beings & how to use discernment in connecting with non-physical beings, ensuring that only high vibrational guides are able to connect.
On an experiential level the group will practise techniques to activate the third eye & integrate the left and right brain hemispheres to facilitate channelling; plus posture & preparation steps to ensure safety and high level guidance. You will learn how to move through blocks as you begin your practise, both for direct voice and writing channelling, how to bring through visual information alongside messages & how to process/summarise guidance.
Solara has taught hundreds of people to channel, and is now offering this life changing workshop at her beautiful new Portugal Retreat Centre. As always, the teachings which come through her and the Star Councils are simple, accessible and humorous - designed to LIGHTEN you up so that you let go of fear and self doubt. There is no question that learning to channel is easier in a group context ~ and it is a massive advantage to be able to practise on an ongoing basis after the course with fellow students, either in person or on Skype. The Time Is Now!
1. Please avoid alcohol and drugs in the weeks up to the workshop, and of course, during the workshop itself.
2. Please practise either version of the Essential Daily Practices Meditation (or the Angelic Higher Self Activation Meditation) here at least twice every day in the weeks leading up to the workshop. Not only will this prepare you energetically for the huge expansion you are about to experience, it will also begin the learning process for the preparation steps for channelling.
3. Please print out the notes sent to you on registration and read through them thoroughly before the workshop.
5, 6, 7 November 2021
Fri 5th: 16.00 - 19.00
Sat & Sun 6th, 7th: 09.30 - 13.00; 14.30 - 18.00
Frigaarden Course Centre
Trekronervej 61
4573 Højby
(approx 1 hour drive from Copenhagen - enquire about a pick-up/ ride-shares)
Solara An-Ra is a world renowned channel who has been transmitting en-lightening information from Ascended Masters, Earth-keeper ancestors, Star Beings and Babaji since 1998. She works primarily with the ‘Councils of Light’ – a collective of Andromedan, Sirian, Pleiadian, Lyran and Arcturian Star Beings who tell us repeatedly "The Time Is Now!" They stress that we are in a critical period of Earth changes and evolution that require us to realise that we are in charge of our destiny. We are creators, whose challenge right now is to heal ourselves and our Mother Earth in order to step into the New Age of Light!
Please enquire via email if you need accommodation close to the workshop venue - or if you wish to ride-share from Copenhagen or another area of Denmark.
Please say if you would like to pay a small fee for the lunch provided - or bring something to share with the group - or bring your own separate lunch.