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9.9.9. Glastonbury - Avebury - Stonehenge

An unforgettable journey through the Sacred Landscape of
Avalon ~ Avebury ~ Stonehenge
with Solara An-Ra & 33 Soul-Star Family

including a public workshop in Glastonbury Town Hall: Sunday 7th Sept: 2-6pm


The Star Councils of Light have called me to return to England's Glastonbury Tor for the Portal of the 9-9-9 ~ the very place where my path of Scared Site activations began in 2007.  Glastonbury, also known as Avalon, has been holding the Heart Codes for humanity since Zero Point, when Joseph, Jeshua, Mother Mary and Magdalena walked the sacred lands.  Avalon has always represented the ‘other reality’ which exists simultaneously – a reality in which magic is real, and other dimensions are visible.  At the same time the land has been holding the wounding of the Heart, because of the deceptions that have prevailed on the planet. Deception causes pain – pain causes defences, which block the back of the heart chakra, restricting how much love you can receive. 

The heart, throat, and third eye chakras have a symbiotic relationship - healing in one always affects the other two. At this stage of humanity’s evolution, the decision to be truthful - and to open the heart to forgive ourselves and all others for perceived wrongs and deceptions - brings the Forgiveness Codes from the heart into the throat – and that opening allows the Truth Codes to flow from into the Third Eye, where we are able to see and experience the Truth, Love and Light that we truly are.


In the New Earth Timeline we are co-creating, the Truth and Forgiveness Codes are being activated in all Awakeners. The 9.9.9 Portal will be dedicated to stabilising the new Throat Chakra of humanity, that actualises the Codes of Truth and Integrity in ourselves, and for all humanity. The guidance that comes as we travel through Avalon, Avebury and Stonehenge will determine how that takes place. Another healing and activating Light Tribe Journey, where we collectively choose to be of joyful service to our Light Tribe and planet, is afoot! The Time Is Now!

We will walk and meditate in the stunning Chalice Well Gardens in a sunrise private entrance, where the sacred well of the Red Spring, representing the blood of Christ, issues forth into a pool known for it's healing properties. At the foot of the tor we will enter the White Spring Temple that holds the Light of Christ, maintained by the local residents as a temple to the Goddesses of Avalon. And in Glastonbury Abbey we will integrate the Truth Codes - in a beautiful expansive garden and refuge hidden in the heart of Glastonbury Town, that holds the resting place of King Arthur and the energy of the original Christ Codes of unconditional love and acceptance.

In the following days we will adventure outside of Glastonbury to experience a private entrance into the powerful portal of Stonehenge, and a day in Avebury's sacred landscape, including the enormous stone circle, West Kennet Long Barrow and Swallow Head Springs. On the 9.9.9 local UK residents will add to our numbers as we receive a transmission and activation on Glastonbury Tor - and then integrate the energies with a Chamber of Light workshop & transmission in Glastonbury Town Hall.


There is also the option for the 5-night participants to continue with me onto Tintagel in Cornwall for a further 3 nights, to visit some of the most magical places in all of the Garden of England ~ St Nectan's Glen & Merlin's Cave. Like Glastonbury, Tintagel is intricately linked with the tales surrounding the legendary King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table - the mysterious magician Merlin spent much of his life in the caves that today bear his name.  St Nectan’s Glen is a stunning and magical natural landscape of streams, ferns, waterfalls and birdsong where the presence of the elementals, fairies, piskies and spirits is palpable. If you stay for the 8-night trip, bear in mind you can fly home from Newquay airport - there are even direct flights from Newquay to Faro! 

See WHAT'S INCLUDED below the photo Album.
Click on individual photos for descriptions.


6 - 11 September 2025

Cornwall: St Nectan's Glen/ Merlin's Cave add-on: -

11-14 September

9.9.9 Portal Preparation Workshop 

2.30 - 6pm​: Sun 9th Sept Glastonbury Town Hall

Free 9.9.9 Transmission on Glastonbury Tor: Open to all!
8 -10am Tues 7th Sept 2025

Glastonbury, England
& Tintagel, Cornwall, England


Glastonbury does not have a local airport. Arrive 1 or 2 days early to allow for transfers. 


Bristol Airport (23 miles)
+ taxi or bus to Glastonbury


London Heathrow

+ bus to Reading
+ plus daily coach service to Glastonbury.


London Gatwick

+ train to Reading
+ trains to Bristol Temple Meads or Castle Cary or Express coach service to Bristol.


5-night journey including  accommodation: £1,111

Single supplement: £222

OR: 8-night journey to include 3 nights in Cornwall: £1,666 

9.9.9 Portal Preparation Workshop
2 - 6pm, Sun 7th Sept 2025
Glastonbury Town Hall: £55
Open to all UK residents

(included for 5-night participants)

  • night's accommodation, 2 per room in cottages with living room & kitchen, (single supplement £222) - in the award-winning Middlewick Farm. In stunning English countryside, within walking distance to Glastonbury town. There is a Café, farm shop, heated swimming pool and Spa on site

  • Welcome dinner @ Middlewick on the 6th.

  • Guidance, meditations,  pranayama & Chambers of Light with Solara in the Middlewick Group Room & out on the land. PLUS: 4-hour workshop in Glastonbury Town hall on the 8th - also open to locals

  • Glastonbury: Private Entrance fees to both the White Spring & Chalice Well Gardens, plus entrance fee to Glastonbury Abbey.

  • Day trips to Stonehenge (private entrance fee) and to Avebury Stone Circle, Swallowhead Springs & West Kennet Longbarrow.

  • 9.9.9 Transmission on Glastonbury Tor.​

  • Ecstatic Dance with DJ Dana Amma Day to celebrate our amazing journey!

  • Details of the 3-night Cornwall add-on on request - open only to 5-night Avalon participants

  • International  & Internal flights or transport to & from Glastonbury (see AIRPORTS above.)

  • Internal transport will be via participant's private or hire cars - petrol and/or hire costs will be shared between passengers - usually 4 per car. 

  • Meals (aside from welcome dinner)
    All cottages have kitchens, so we can make picnic breakfast or lunches for when we are out on the land.
    Feel free to arrive at Middlewick with groceries, especially if you have food sensitivities or special requirements.
    There is also an on-site Café and a range of restaurants in Glastonbury town and other sites we will visit.


  • Extra activities in your free time such as Spa Sessions, healing, etc.
    Be warned, Glastonbury has irresistible shops that will lure you in and make you spend too much money lol! I know, I've been there, done that!


Solara An-Ra, author of 'Rainbow Bridge to New Earth' and ‘Pleiadian Emissary to Gaia’, is a South African-born channel, teacher & writer who works primarily with the Star Councils of Light, a collective of Star Beings who are assisting us through the ascension process that we are experiencing on Earth between 2011 and 2035. 

Solara has led groups on sacred sites across the globe since 2007, following the guidance she has received from the Star Councils of Light. The purpose until now has been to reactivate the original Light Portals created in the times of Lemuria and Atlantis - but each journey also offers new insights and new opportunities to be of service to our planet and our Light Tribe. Beyond this, these journeys are without exception tremendous fun and exciting opportunities for exploration, adventure, connection with Star-Soul Family and spiritual awakening.


Full Payment: 5 nights: £1,111
(Email solara@solara, to request single supplement)

50% Deposit - £555.50

OR: 8 nights including 3-night add-on to St Nectan's Glen, Cornwall: £1,666

50% Deposit 8 nights: £833

Glastonbury Town Hall 9.9.9 Portal Preparation Workshop

Open to all UK residents
Sunday 7th September 2-6pm: £55


Free 9.9.9 Ceremony on Glastonbury Tor

Tuesday 9th Sept: 8-10am ~ Open to all!

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